In the heart-pounding thriller, Avgrunden (2023), Frigga finds herself at the center of chaos as her city begins to collapse into the Kiirunavaara mine. Balancing the demands of her high-risk job as a security manager and her family life becomes a struggle as she fights to survive and protect her loved ones.
Frigga's role in the Kiirunavaara mine is fraught with danger, but she manages to navigate the perils with determination and skill. However, everything changes when her city starts to crumble, and she must confront the terrifying reality of the collapsing mine.
As the chaos escalates, Frigga's survival instincts kick in, propelling her to make unthinkable sacrifices to save herself and her family. With each passing moment, the situation becomes more dire, intensifying the tension and suspense.
Avgrunden showcases the relentless battle for survival as Frigga races against time. Struggling to maintain her composure, she faces numerous obstacles and makes gut-wrenching decisions that will define her fate.
This gripping thriller poses the question: How far would you go to protect the ones you love? As the city crumbles, Frigga must summon every ounce of courage and resilience to outsmart the collapsing mine and ensure the safety of her family.
Avgrunden is a heart-stopping rollercoaster ride that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Get ready for a high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled adventure as Frigga fights not only for her own life but for the lives of those she holds dear.
Also Known As:
The AbyssRelease Date:
15 Sep 2023Writers:
Richard Holm, Robin Sherlock Holm, Nicola Sinclair