Attenti al gorilla (2019) is a heartwarming Italian comedy that follows the journey of Lorenzo, a family lawyer who has lost everything, including custody of his children, after separating from his wife, Emma. Inspired by a visit to the zoo, Lorenzo takes up the challenge of defending the rights of a gorilla named Benny, who is suffering in captivity.
When a judge grants Benny the opportunity to return to Africa, Lorenzo realizes that the cost of transporting the gorilla falls on his shoulders. However, with no money to spare, Lorenzo finds a unique solution – he decides to secretly keep Benny in his own house.
As Lorenzo navigates his newfound responsibility, he must ensure that Benny is kept hidden from prying eyes. Hilarity ensues as Lorenzo attempts to balance his professional life, his strained relationships, and the well-being of his unlikely house guest.
Attenti al gorilla explores themes of compassion, activism, and the power of unanticipated connections. The film is a touching tale of an individual's willingness to go to great lengths for a seemingly impossible cause.
With its charming characters and humorous storyline, Attenti al gorilla offers audiences a delightful and heartening cinematic experience. Don't miss this heartwarming comedy that will leave you laughing and reflecting on the importance of fighting for what you believe in.
Also Known As:
Attenti al gorillaRelease Date:
10 Jan 2019Writers:
Giulia Gianni, Luca Miniero, Gina Neri