Ashby is a heartwarming coming-of-age comedy drama that explores the themes of identity, friendship, and mortality. The story follows seventeen-year-old Ed as he embarks on a journey to discover his place in the world. Along the way, he forms an unlikely bond with Ashby, a terminally ill ex-CIA contract killer who is looking to find peace with himself and his maker before his time runs out. This pursuit of peace leads Ashby on a mission to take down three old bosses who have deceived him and forced him to compromise his own moral code.
As Ed gets to know Ashby, he learns valuable life lessons and gains a new perspective on his own life. Their friendship blossoms as they navigate through the complexities of life and death together. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, adding depth and humor to their journey.
Ashby is a touching and poignant film that explores the universal themes of self-discovery, redemption, and forgiveness. With its unique blend of comedy and drama, the film will leave viewers reflecting on their own lives and relationships. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking and heartwarming tale of friendship and redemption.
Also Known As:
AshbyRelease Date:
25 Sep 2015Writers:
Tony McNamaraAwards:
1 nomination