In the heartwarming film Apstjärnan (2021), Jonna, a young girl who has spent her entire life in an orphanage, experiences a life-changing event when a Gorilla unexpectedly adopts her. Initially hesitant and unsure about her unconventional new mother, Jonna slowly adjusts to her new life and begins to form a special bond with the caring Gorilla.
As Jonna's world begins to brighten with newfound love and companionship, challenges arise when the local authorities intervene, putting their peaceful coexistence at risk. Amidst the threat of separation, Jonna and her Gorilla mother must navigate through difficult circumstances and fight to preserve their unique and heartwarming relationship.
Filled with heart, emotion, and captivating moments, Apstjärnan beautifully depicts the power of love, family, and resilience in the face of adversity. Join Jonna and her Gorilla mother on a touching journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and courage in this touching tale that will surely tug at your heartstrings.
Also Known As:
The Ape StarRelease Date:
24 Aug 2021Writers:
Frida Nilsson, Jan VierthAwards:
2 wins & 5 nominations