In Antboy 3, the thrilling third installment of the popular Danish superhero franchise, Exofarm, a powerful corporation, now has a new CEO. However, this new leader has grand ambitions of taking control of the entire world. It's up to our beloved young superhero, Antboy, to put an end to her evil plans.
To assist him on his mission, Antboy teams up with a mysterious new hero, whose identity remains a secret. This hero, equipped with a skateboard, proves to be a valuable ally in their fight against the CEO's nefarious intentions. Together, they embark on a heart-pounding adventure that tests their strength, courage, and determination.
As Antboy faces new challenges and dangerous adversaries, he must tap into his powers and devise clever strategies to outsmart the CEO and protect the world from her grasp. Along the way, he learns important lessons about friendship, teamwork, and the true meaning of heroism.
Featuring breathtaking action sequences, captivating storytelling, and a fresh new addition to the superhero lineup, Antboy 3 is a must-watch film that will delight fans of the series and captivate new audiences alike. Join Antboy and his enigmatic skateboarding companion as they embark on another epic battle against evil.
Also Known As:
Antboy 3Release Date:
11 Feb 2016Writers:
Anders Ølholm (screenplay), Anders Ølholm (story), Kenneth Bøgh Andersen (based on: the Antboy books by)Awards:
6 nominations.