In Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018), Scott Lang, a superhero known as Ant-Man, must navigate the challenges of his dual roles as both a crime fighter and a father. He faces a new mission presented by his allies, Hope van Dyne (The Wasp) and Dr. Hank Pym. The trio embarks on a thrilling adventure to uncover long-hidden secrets from their past.
As they delve into this urgent mission, Ant-Man and The Wasp must work together, utilizing their unique abilities and shrinking technology, to overcome obstacles and confront formidable enemies. The stakes are high as they race against time to accomplish their mission and protect the world.
The film explores the chemistry between Ant-Man and The Wasp, showcasing their partnership and the dynamic between them. It also delves deeper into the universe of Dr. Hank Pym's groundbreaking technology and the mysterious Quantum Realm.
Ant-Man and the Wasp combines action, humor, and heart to deliver an entertaining and captivating superhero experience. With its engaging storyline and impressive special effects, the film offers a thrilling and immersive adventure that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
Ant-Man and the WaspRelease Date:
06 Jul 2018Writers:
Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Paul RuddAwards:
2 wins & 21 nominations