Another Stakeout is a thrilling comedy film that follows the hilarious adventures of two incompetent detectives, Chris Lecce and Bill Reimers, who are given the task of staking out a lakeside home. Their mission is to apprehend a key Mafia trial witness who is believed to be heading there. However, their operation becomes even more chaotic when they are joined by an annoying assistant district attorney, Gina Garrett.
As the stakeout progresses, Chris and Bill's immaturity and lack of professionalism create countless comedic situations. Their bumbling antics make it challenging for them to maintain focus and secrecy, jeopardizing the success of their mission. Adding to the chaos is Gina, who constantly clashes with the detectives, further complicating the operation.
Throughout the film, Chris and Bill's expertise is put to the test as they encounter unexpected obstacles and eccentric characters. As they navigate their way through various mishaps, the true identity of the witness emerges, revealing a shocking twist that threatens to derail their entire operation.
Another Stakeout is a hilarious blend of comedy and crime, filled with fast-paced action and unforgettable characters. This film offers an entertaining and lighthearted experience that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats with laughter.
Also Known As:
Another StakeoutRelease Date:
23 Jul 1993Writers:
Jim KoufAwards:
1 nomination