Annette (2021) is a captivating and thought-provoking musical drama directed by Leos Carax. The story revolves around the lives of a stand-up comedian, Henry McHenry, and his opera singer wife, Ann Desfranoux. Their seemingly ordinary lives take an extraordinary turn when their two-year-old daughter Annette displays a remarkable and unexpected gift.
Set in contemporary Los Angeles, Annette explores themes of fame, love, and sacrifice. Henry's career struggles start to take a toll on their relationship and Ann's flourishing career. The couple's lives become even more complex as Annette's gift becomes a source of fascination and obsession for the media and the public.
This unique film is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful portrayal of the human condition. Through musical performances, striking cinematography, and powerful performances by Adam Driver, Marion Cotillard, and Simon Helberg, Annette delves into the complexities of relationships, the pursuit of success, and the consequences of extraordinary gifts.
Annette challenges conventions with its unconventional storytelling and thought-provoking narrative. This mesmerizing film offers a unique blend of drama and music, immersing viewers in an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Immerse yourself in the world of Annette and witness the extraordinary journey of a family grappling with fame, love, and the unexpected power of their daughter's gift. Annette is a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling.
Also Known As:
AnnetteRelease Date:
20 Aug 2021Writers:
Ron Mael, Russell MaelAwards:
16 wins & 51 nominations