Get ready for a magical adventure with Animal Crackers! This family-friendly animated film tells the heartwarming story of a family, the Hunters, who stumble upon a box of magical Animal Crackers. These seemingly ordinary cookies, when eaten by the Hunters, transform them into a range of different animals!
The Hunters find themselves facing an incredible challenge when their run-down circus is at risk of being taken over by their devious uncle, Horatio P. Huntington. With the help of their newfound animal abilities, the Hunters must work together to save both the circus and their birthright.
Packed with colorful animation, hilarious moments, and an array of lovable characters, Animal Crackers is a treat for the whole family. Follow the Hunters on their extraordinary journey as they navigate through obstacles, encounter eccentric circus performers, and unleash the power of the magical Animal Crackers.
With a message of the importance of family, teamwork, and embracing one's unique abilities, Animal Crackers is sure to entertain and inspire viewers of all ages. Don't miss out on this delightful adventure – stream Animal Crackers today!
Also Known As:
Animal CrackersRelease Date:
21 Jul 2018Writers:
Dean Lorey, Scott Christian SavaAwards:
1 nomination.