In the heartwarming holiday film Angels Sing (2013), we follow the story of Michael Walker, who as a child cherished the magic of Christmas until a heartbreaking accident shattered his holiday spirit. Fast forward thirty years, Michael finds himself unable to feel any joy during the holiday season, despite his loving wife and well-meaning parents' efforts to bring back the magic.
However, when tragedy strikes his young son, Michael realizes he needs to confront his past and make amends. It is then that a mysterious man named Nick enters his life, giving him a special gift and inspiring him to rediscover the joy he had lost.
As Michael embarks on a journey to mend his broken spirit, he encounters colorful and endearing characters who help him see the true meaning of Christmas. With the support of his new friends, he learns that by embracing the holiday season and reconnecting with his past, he can finally find the joy he thought was lost forever.
Angels Sing is a touching tale that showcases the transformative power of Christmas and the importance of cherishing family and tradition. Join Michael on his heartwarming journey as he rediscovers the magic of the holiday season and learns that sometimes all it takes is a little courage and a belief in miracles to find joy in the most unexpected places.