In the heartwarming holiday film Angel of Christmas (2015), join Susan, a newspaper staffer on a quest to write an article about her family's cherished Christmas angel. Along her journey, fate leads her to an unexpected encounter with Brady, a charming artist who brings a newfound joy to her life. As their friendship blossoms during the festive season, Susan begins to question her skepticism about love and miracles.
The film centers around a 100-year-old, hand-carved angel ornament with a legendary power to unite people. As Susan delves into the history of this cherished heirloom, she discovers surprising truths about its mystical abilities and its potential to transform her life.
Angel of Christmas offers a heartwarming story about the power of love, friendship, and tradition during the holiday season. This feel-good movie captures the spirit of Christmas and the magic of unexpected connections. Will Susan overcome her doubts and embrace the romance that awaits her? Can the Christmas angel work its magic on her skeptical heart?
Featuring a delightful cast and a captivating storyline, Angel of Christmas is the perfect film to cozy up with while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. Get ready to be swept away by the enchantment of this heartwarming Christmas tale.