In the film Andover (2017), a renowned genetics professor finds himself driven by grief and desperation when he loses his beloved wife. In an attempt to bring her back, he embarks on an audacious experiment: cloning her repeatedly to ensure her resurrection in her original form. This captivating story takes viewers on a journey of love, loss, and the ethical dilemmas that arise from tampering with life itself.
The professor's obsession with resurrecting his wife leads him to clone her multiple times, each attempt presenting unexpected challenges and moral quandaries. As he grapples with the consequences of his actions, he uncovers profound insights into what it means to be human.
Andover is an enthralling exploration of the boundaries of science and the complex emotions that drive our actions. With stunning visuals and powerful performances, the film delves into the depths of love, loss, and the lengths we will go to keep those we cherish close to us.
This thought-provoking drama is sure to captivate moviegoers with its gripping storyline and philosophical themes. Prepare to be enthralled as Andover challenges your notions of life, death, and the power of love.
Also Known As:
AndoverRelease Date:
04 May 2018Writers:
Scott PerlmanAwards:
4 wins & 6 nominations