In the suspenseful thriller Anatomie (2000), viewers are introduced to a young medical student who embarks on a summer course at Heidelberg University. However, her experience takes a dark turn when she encounters a fellow student named David, whom she had met just the day before on a train. As she begins to dissect David during her studies, she starts to suspect that there may be something sinister lurking beneath the surface.
The film delves into themes of trust, manipulation, and the dark side of medical education, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as the protagonist unravels the mystery surrounding David. With its tense atmosphere and unexpected twists, Anatomie offers an intriguing look at the consequences of delving too deep into the human body and the secrets that may be hidden within.
Experience the gripping tale of a med student's unsettling discovery in Anatomie, a chilling journey into the complexities of medical education and the dangers that lie within.
Also Known As:
AnatomyRelease Date:
03 Feb 2000Writers:
Peter Engelmann, Stefan RuzowitzkyAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations