An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls
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An Inspector Calls

In 1912 pompous industrialist Arthur Birling, who has hopes of a knighthood, his superior wife Sybil and young son Eric are celebrating the engagement... of daughter Sheila to eligible Gerald Croft when they are visited by blunt Inspector Goole. He tells them of the suicide of a young woman named Eva Smith and though they all claim not to have known her the inspector demonstrates that each in their own way contributed to her downfall, by having her dismissed from work or, in the young men's cases, having sexual relationships and then abandoning her. After Goole has left the youngsters feel ashamed and the engagement is halted but Arthur Birling, doubting the inspector's authority, rings the local police station. This is the prelude to a double shock which will lead to the family's humiliation and ruin. Show More


Set in 1912, An Inspector Calls follows the wealthy Birling family as they celebrate the engagement of their daughter Sheila to Gerald Croft. However, their joyous occasion is interrupted by the arrival of Inspector Goole, who informs them of the suicide of a young woman named Eva Smith.

As the inspector begins to question each family member individually, it becomes apparent that they all had a role to play in Eva's tragic demise. Through his relentless interrogation, the inspector reveals the Birling family's callous disregard for the lower classes and their immoral behavior.

Arthur Birling, in particular, is revealed to be a pompous industrialist who cares only about his social status and reputation. His wife Sybil is equally unsympathetic, while their son Eric is shown to have engaged in exploitative relationships with lower-class women. Even Sheila, the seemingly innocent daughter, is implicated in Eva's downfall.

As the inspector departs, a sense of shame and guilt settles over the family, leading to the halting of Sheila's engagement. This thought-provoking drama serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of one's actions and the importance of empathy and compassion.

An Inspector Calls is a gripping exploration of societal divisions and the damaging effects of privilege, making it an essential watch for those interested in thought-provoking period dramas.