An Education is a compelling coming-of-age film set in 1960s suburban London. The story revolves around Jenny, a bright and ambitious teenage girl, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets an older, charismatic man named David. David introduces her to a glamorous and exciting world beyond her sheltered existence, filled with jazz clubs, art auctions, and glamorous parties.
Jenny becomes infatuated with David, who seems to offer her everything she desires - a life filled with adventure, freedom, and intellectual stimulation. However, as their relationship deepens, Jenny begins to question the consequences of her choices and the prospect of giving up her dreams of attending Oxford University.
Featuring outstanding performances from Carey Mulligan as Jenny and Peter Sarsgaard as David, An Education explores themes of love, deception, and the pursuit of happiness. As Jenny navigates the complexities of adulthood and the lure of a seemingly perfect life, she must ultimately make a decision that will shape her future.
Set against a backdrop of evocative 1960s London, An Education expertly captures the essence of the era, while delivering a thought-provoking story that resonates with audiences. This heartfelt and thought-provoking film offers a powerful reminder of the importance of self-discovery and staying true to one's aspirations.
Also Known As:
An EducationRelease Date:
05 Feb 2010Writers:
Lynn Barber, Nick HornbyAwards:
Nominated for 3 Oscars. 36 wins & 96 nominations total