An American Crime (2007) is a gripping and shocking film based on a true story that rocked the nation in 1965. The movie revolves around Sylvia and Jennie Fae Likens, two daughters of traveling carnival workers, who are left in the care of Gertrude Baniszewski, a single mother of six, in Indianapolis. Desperate for financial stability, Gertrude agrees to look after the girls, oblivious to the disturbing events that will unfold.
Over the course of three months, the story takes a haunting turn as Gertrude's unstable nature pushes her to the brink. What transpires is both riveting and horrific, as Sylvia and Jennie Fae become victims of unspeakable abuse and torture at the hands of their supposed caregiver.
An American Crime paints a disturbing portrait of the dark side of humanity and the depths of depravity that some individuals can sink to. The film captures the harrowing experiences endured by Sylvia and Jennie Fae, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats and emotionally shaken.
This powerful and deeply disturbing true story highlights the importance of awareness and vigilance in protecting the most vulnerable members of society. An American Crime is a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and emotional journey into the darkest corners of human nature.