Experience the powerful and thought-provoking series, American Crime. When war veteran Matt and his wife Gwen are brutally attacked in their home, their lives are shattered. Matt loses his life, while Gwen fights to stay alive. As news of the heinous crime spreads, the two sets of parents anxiously gather at Gwen's bedside, praying for a miracle.
The police investigation intensifies, focusing on four potential suspects. This captivating drama delves into the complexities of race, ethnicity, and class, as the shockwaves of the crime shake the entire community. Tensions rise, exposing the deep-seated divisions that exist in society.
Through its gripping narrative and authentic performances, American Crime explores the impact of this tragedy on both the victims and the accused. The series expertly navigates the nuances of social issues, challenging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths.
With its compelling storytelling, American Crime shines a light on the injustices that persist in our society. Prepare to be captivated by the raw emotion, moral dilemmas, and intricate web of relationships woven throughout this gripping series. Will justice prevail? Tune in to find out in American Crime.
Also Known As:
American CrimeRelease Date:
05 Mar 2015Writers:
John RidleyAwards:
Won 2 Primetime Emmys. 15 wins & 90 nominations total