Always Shine is a thought-provoking psychological thriller that explores the complex dynamics of female friendship. The story follows two friends, Beth and Anna, who embark on a weekend getaway to Big Sur in hopes of rekindling their strained relationship. Beth, a struggling actress, feels overshadowed by Anna's rising star in Hollywood. On the other hand, Anna, a successful and confident actress, is unaware of the resentment Beth harbors towards her.
As tensions rise and old wounds resurface, the trip takes a sinister turn. The power dynamics between the two women become increasingly twisted, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Mirror reflections and role reversals add an eerie element to the story, leaving viewers questioning the characters' sanity.
Always Shine deftly explores themes of envy, identity, and the pressures of societal expectations. The film delves into the dark side of ambition and the lengths people will go to achieve success. With its atmospheric cinematography and nuanced performances from the lead actresses, the movie creates a sense of mounting unease that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
This psychological drama is a captivating examination of the complexities of friendship and the lengths people will go to protect their own interests. Always Shine will leave viewers questioning their own perceptions and the true nature of the characters until the very end.
Also Known As:
Always ShineRelease Date:
25 Nov 2016Writers:
Lawrence Michael LevineAwards:
5 wins & 6 nominations