In the 2006 sci-fi horror film Altered, a group of men must confront a terrifying event from their past when they come face to face with an alien creature. The story unfolds as the men reunite after fifteen years to confront the traumatic incident that altered their lives forever. As the night progresses, tension and fear mount among the group as they struggle to survive against the relentless creature that is hunting them down. The film delves into themes of trauma, survival, and the lengths people will go to protect themselves and their loved ones. With suspenseful pacing and gruesome special effects, Altered keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the group fights for their lives against a formidable foe. Full of twists and turns, this gripping sci-fi horror film explores the dark consequences of encountering the unknown and the lasting impact it can have on those involved.
Also Known As:
AlteredRelease Date:
20 Jul 2007Writers:
Jamie Nash, Eduardo Sánchez