Älskling på vift (1964) is a delightful comedy that follows the story of an ordinary housewife who unexpectedly finds herself competing in a local Miss contest and, against all odds, winning the title. The twist comes when her husband forbids her from participating in the finals in Palma, Mallorca - however, she decides to defy him and goes there anyway.
Amidst this chaotic situation, a hilarious and romantic adventure ensues. To add more spice to the story, an American journalist, who has recently had a failed romance with a Japanese woman, crosses paths with the determined housewife. As if that wasn't enough, a quirky girl photographer and a continuous flow of bikini-clad girls add to the chaos.
This 1960s film offers a captivating blend of comedy, romance, and music, featuring popular bands of the era such as the Hootenanny Singers and The Spotnicks. With its catchy tunes and lively atmosphere, Älskling på vift guarantees a genuinely entertaining experience.
This heartwarming and funny film will have viewers laughing and rooting for the housewife as she fearlessly takes on her husband's opposition and embraces her newfound independence. Don't miss this classic comedy that perfectly captures the spirit of the 1960s.