Aloft is an emotionally charged drama that explores the complex relationship between a mother, her son, and a young journalist. Jennifer Connelly delivers a powerful performance as the mother, who is haunted by a tragic accident that separates her from her son, played by Cillian Murphy. Despite the pain and guilt that consumes her, she becomes a renowned artist and healer. Meanwhile, her son grows up to become a falconer, carrying the scars of his troubled past.
In the present day, a young journalist, portrayed by Mélanie Laurent, enters their lives, bringing them together in a poignant and transformative encounter. This meeting forces them to confront their past and question the meaning of life and art. As they navigate their uncertain paths, they discover the possibility of living life to the fullest, despite the challenges they face.
Aloft is a deeply moving film that tackles themes of loss, healing, and the power of human connection. Through its compelling performances and thought-provoking narrative, it invites viewers to reflect on their own lives and the choices they make. This emotionally charged drama will leave audiences questioning the meaning of their own existence and the pursuit of happiness.