Allt Faller is an autofictive show that revolves around the lives of two well-known Swedish comedians, Johan Rheborg and Jonas Gardell. This series provides an intimate look into the personal and professional journeys of these individuals, with each episode featuring several guest actors who play themselves.
Throughout the series, viewers get to witness the ups and downs, successes, and challenges that Rheborg and Gardell face on a daily basis. The show delves into their personal relationships, careers, and the impact their fame has on their lives.
With a blend of humor, drama, and genuine human emotions, Allt Faller draws viewers in and offers a unique and authentic look into the lives of these two comedians. The guest actors, who portray themselves, add an additional layer of realism to the series, making it a compelling and entertaining watch.
This series is a must-watch for fans of comedy and those who are curious about the lives of successful comedians. With its autofictive approach, Allt Faller provides an inside perspective that is both relatable and enlightening. Whether you're a fan of Rheborg and Gardell or simply enjoy a good laugh, this show offers a captivating and entertaining viewing experience.
Also Known As:
Allt fallerRelease Date:
10 Jan 2013Awards:
1 nomination