Alleycats (2016) is an exhilarating thriller that follows Chris, a bike courier, who stumbles upon a suspicious incident that appears to be a murder. Initially, his instinct drives him to flee the scene. However, as his curiosity intensifies, he finds himself inexorably drawn back into a dangerous realm of corruption, political influence, and illicit bike racing.
As Chris delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a web of deceit and uncanny connections that put not only his life in jeopardy but also those closest to him. Encountering a bunch of reclusive urban athletes known as alleycats, who participate in brutal and unlawful races, he becomes embroiled in a perilous game of survival.
Directed by Ian Bonhôte, Alleycats boasts breathtaking chase sequences that will have viewers on the edge of their seats, showcasing the mesmerizing world of underground cycling culture. With its heart-pounding action and suspense-filled storyline, the movie keeps audiences guessing until the very end, delivering a thrilling experience.
Featuring a talented ensemble cast that includes Eleanor Tomlinson, Sam Keeley, and John Lynch, Alleycats combines adrenaline-fueled moments with thought-provoking themes, exploring corruption in high places and the lengths individuals will go to in order to protect their secrets.
Prepare for a wild ride as you join Chris on his quest for justice in this heart-stopping and gritty thriller, ultimately unveiling the truth behind the enigmatic world of alleycats.
Also Known As:
AlleycatsRelease Date:
23 Jun 2016Writers:
Max Kinnings, Simon Uttley, Anthea Anka