All Relative is a captivating romantic comedy-drama that follows the story of Harry, a graduate student living in New York City, who becomes infatuated with Grace upon their first meeting. Determined to win her over, Harry seeks dating advice from an alluring divorcee, and with her guidance, he manages to successfully court Grace.
However, everything takes a dramatic turn when Harry is introduced to Grace's parents and discovers a shocking secret that turns his world upside down. Forced to navigate a weekend filled with tension and socially awkward situations, the relationships of both couples are put to the test.
This thought-provoking film explores themes of trust, loyalty, and the sometimes painful truths that can be uncovered in relationships. With a perfect blend of comedy, romance, and drama, All Relative keeps audiences thoroughly engaged from start to finish.
Starring an ensemble cast, including Connie Nielsen, Jonathan Sadowski, Sara Paxton, and Al Thompson, the film offers brilliant performances that bring the complex characters to life. Directed by J.C. Khoury, All Relative is a refreshing and entertaining take on modern love and the complexities of family dynamics.
Get ready to embark on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as you witness the secrets unravel in this engaging romantic comedy-drama.