All Creatures Big and Small is an animated adventure film set in a world on the brink of destruction. A devastating flood is imminent, but a miraculous Ark has been built to save all animals. However, there's a catch – Nestrians, a pair of clumsy creatures, are deemed unworthy of rescue.
Determined to survive, Dave, a Nestrian, and his son Finny come up with a daring plan. With the help of Hazel, a Grymp, and her daughter Leah, they sneak onto the Ark just in time. Thinking they have outsmarted the system, they believe they are safe. But fate has other plans.
When an accident causes Finny and Leah to fall off the Ark, they must fight against the raging floodwaters and evade hungry predators while trying to reach the safety of a mountaintop. Meanwhile, Dave and Hazel, putting aside their differences, must navigate treacherous waters, turn the Ark around, and rescue their precious children.
As the floodwaters rise and danger lurks at every turn, the unlikely group faces numerous challenges and must summon their courage and resourcefulness to overcome them. Will they be able to survive the catastrophic flood and save their loved ones?
This heartwarming and exciting family-friendly film offers a thrilling adventure full of peril, friendship, and ultimate sacrifice. Join Dave, Finny, Leah, and Hazel as they embark on a remarkable journey that will test their bravery and resilience. Get ready for an unforgettable, action-packed ride that will leave you on the edge of your seat.