In All About Nina, Nina Geld, a talented stand-up comedian portrayed by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, is on the cusp of success in her career but is struggling with personal issues. Determined to leave behind her difficult ex-boyfriend and in preparation for a potentially life-changing audition, Nina escapes to Los Angeles. It is there that she encounters Rafe, played by Common, a man who challenges Nina's preconceived notions and forces her to confront her troubled past.
Nina's comedic performances are applauded for their provocative and edgy nature, often pushing the boundaries of social norms. However, her personal life is far from perfect, and she finds it difficult to form meaningful relationships. As she navigates the Los Angeles comedy scene, Nina must also grapple with her traumatic past and the impact it has on her present.
All About Nina explores the complexities of Nina's journey as she confronts her demons and pursues her dreams. The film combines comedy and drama, offering a raw and honest portrayal of a woman striving for success while battling inner turmoil. With its bracing humor and thought-provoking themes, All About Nina presents a compelling story of resilience, self-discovery, and the power of vulnerability.