Aldrig Mer Kebab is a Swedish documentary film directed by Hogir Hirori. The film follows the journey of Gurgin, a journalist who quits his job at Sveriges Radio and decides to downsize his life to reduce his carbon footprint. He moves out of his apartment and begins living in a camper van with his dog, Ronja.
Gurgin's minimalist lifestyle is met with resistance from his parents, who struggle to understand his choices. Previously, Gurgin used to run a kebab restaurant, but he now tries to convince his father to embrace veganism. Meanwhile, his mother dreams of grandchildren, while Gurgin contemplates the idea of getting sterilized.
Throughout the film, viewers witness conflicts and despair, but also moments of love and humor. Gurgin's journey serves as a reflection on the environmental impact of our choices and the challenges of living a sustainable lifestyle in a society that often values material possessions.
With its mixture of emotional moments and comedic elements, Aldrig Mer Kebab offers a thought-provoking exploration of personal choices and societal expectations. This documentary provides a unique perspective on the ongoing environmental discourse and how it intertwines with personal relationships and identity.
(Word count: 200)