In Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas, set in the 16th century in the Cévennes, a horse dealer named Michael Kohlhaas enjoys a content family life. However, when he is treated unfairly by a lord, he takes matters into his own hands. Feeling the weight of injustice, Michael gathers an army and embarks on a mission to seek justice and restore his rights.
The film depicts the protagonist's journey as he employs drastic measures to fight against the corruption and abuse of power that he encounters. Michael's actions ignite a violent uprising, leading to a country engulfed in chaos and bloodshed. As tensions rise, he confronts not only the oppressive ruling class but also questions his own morality and the consequences of his actions.
Age of Uprising: The Legend of Michael Kohlhaas is a thought-provoking historical drama that delves into themes of justice, morality, and the underlying power dynamics of society. Through its compelling storyline, the film sheds light on the lengths individuals may go to when driven by a sense of righteousness and the desire for retribution.
Experience the gripping tale of Michael Kohlhaas as he seeks to restore balance and challenge the injustices of his time in this visually stunning and emotionally charged film.