Adulthood (2008) is a gripping drama that serves as a sequel to the critically acclaimed film KiDULTHOOD. Set six years after the events of the first film, the story follows Sam Peel, who is released from prison after serving time for the murder of his best friend Trife. Sam soon discovers that life outside prison is just as challenging as it was inside and is faced with the painful task of confronting those he has hurt the most.
As Sam navigates his newfound freedom, he encounters people who have moved on, while others still hold a grudge against him. This forces him to confront the consequences of his actions and make amends with those he has wronged. Along the way, Sam explores the themes of loyalty, redemption, and the struggles of adulthood.
Adulthood delves into the gritty reality of urban life and tackles issues such as gang violence, drug abuse, and the difficulty of breaking free from a cycle of violence. With powerful performances and a raw narrative, this compelling film offers a thought-provoking exploration of personal growth and the impact of past choices.
Don't miss Adulthood, a gripping drama that will leave viewers questioning the true meaning of adulthood and the power of second chances.
Also Known As:
AdulthoodRelease Date:
20 Jun 2008Writers:
Noel Clarke