In the film Adam (2019), viewers are introduced to Abla, a single mother running a small bakery in Casablanca with her daughter, Warda. Their simple life is disrupted when a pregnant young woman named Samia arrives at their doorstep seeking help. Reluctantly, Abla allows Samia to stay with them, despite her reservations.
As Samia becomes a part of their household, the lives of these three women begin to intertwine in unexpected ways. Abla finds herself grappling with her own fears and insecurities while trying to support Samia through her pregnancy. Meanwhile, Warda forms a special bond with Samia, providing comfort and hope to the struggling newcomer.
Through their shared experiences and challenges, the women navigate complex emotions, cultural expectations, and personal growth. As their relationships evolve, they learn valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the power of human connection.
Adam (2019) is a heartfelt drama that explores themes of family, friendship, and the transformative impact of compassion. Watch as these three women embark on a journey of self-discovery and discover the true meaning of acceptance and solidarity.
Also Known As:
AdamRelease Date:
05 Mar 2021Writers:
Maryam TouzaniAwards:
11 wins & 20 nominations