In the enchanting adventure film A Wrinkle in Time, directed by Ava DuVernay, the story revolves around Meg, a young girl whose scientist father mysteriously vanishes. When three peculiar beings, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, appear in her life, they unveil the existence of a wrinkling of time and space that could unlock the mystery of her father's disappearance. Together with her younger brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin, Meg embarks on a thrilling journey through space to rescue her father.
As they travel to extraordinary and diverse worlds, Meg and her companions encounter strange creatures and face mind-bending challenges. Along the way, they learn powerful lessons about love, acceptance, and the strength that lies within themselves. Embracing their individual strengths and fighting against darkness, they discover that the key to finding Meg's father lies in a battle between the forces of light and darkness.
With breathtaking special effects and a heartfelt message, A Wrinkle in Time captivates audiences of all ages. The film showcases a star-studded cast including Storm Reid as Meg, Oprah Winfrey as Mrs. Which, Reese Witherspoon as Mrs. Whatsit, and Mindy Kaling as Mrs. Who. A Wrinkle in Time is a visually stunning and emotionally impactful journey that will leave viewers inspired and uplifted.
Also Known As:
A Wrinkle in TimeRelease Date:
09 Mar 2018Writers:
Jennifer Lee, Jeff Stockwell, Madeleine L'EngleAwards:
5 wins & 16 nominations