In A Star For Christmas (2012), a charming Hollywood bad boy movie star finds himself in a small town located far away from the glitz and glamour of the spotlight. To his surprise, he becomes smitten with the owner and baker of a local bakery who was recently dumped. In an attempt to win her heart, he takes on a job at the bakery, where he discovers his love for her cupcakes.
As luck would have it, the movie star is also in town to shoot a film set in December. Excitement stirs within the community as they become engulfed in the magic of the holiday season. However, tensions rise when the film's leading lady, a notorious diva, shows up on set and threatens to derail the production. With the success of the movie at stake, the Hollywood bad boy must find a way to keep the peace and ensure the film goes smoothly.
A Star For Christmas is a heartwarming and delightful holiday film that combines romance, festive cheer, and the glitz of Hollywood. It explores themes of love, second chances, and the joy of finding happiness in unexpected places. With an alluring blend of humor and charm, this feel-good movie is sure to capture the hearts of viewers, making it the perfect addition to any holiday streaming lineup.
Also Known As:
A Star for ChristmasRelease Date:
02 Dec 2012Writers:
Amy Heidish