A Night in Old Mexico is a thrilling adventure film that follows the journey of a financially struggling elderly man named Red Bovie, who is forced to sell his family ranch to developers. In a desperate attempt to reclaim his dignity, Red decides to embark on a last trip to Mexico, accompanied by his estranged grandson, Gally, who is dealing with his own personal demons.
As they arrive in Mexico, Red and Gally find themselves unexpectedly entangled in a dangerous situation when they come across a missing money bag that belongs to a group of ruthless drug dealers. Now targeted and on the run, they must navigate through treacherous landscapes and confront their past mistakes.
Throughout the film, Red and Gally form an unexpected bond as they face the challenges together. They encounter a colorful cast of characters, including a beautiful dancer, rekindling their spirits and showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.
A Night in Old Mexico is a heartwarming tale of redemption, courage, and the power of family bonds. Packed with action and emotion, this film takes viewers on an exciting journey through the Mexican landscape, uncovering secrets and testing the characters' strengths.
Watch A Night in Old Mexico to experience a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat till the very end.
Also Known As:
A Night in Old MexicoRelease Date:
09 May 2014Writers:
William D. WittliffAwards:
5 nominations