In A Magical Christmas Village, we join Summer, a young woman whose life takes an unexpected turn when her mother Vivian and daughter Chloe move in with her. As they settle into their new home, Vivian brings along a special surprise—a beautifully crafted miniature Christmas village.
As the holiday season approaches, Chloe enthusiastically begins to set up the figurines in the tiny village. What makes this undertaking truly remarkable is that the events from Chloe's imagination seem to come to life in the real world. Each scene she meticulously creates magically manifests itself in their lives, turning their holiday season into a truly enchanting experience.
With each passing day, the family finds themselves caught up in a series of delightful and heartwarming adventures, as the power of love and the magic of Christmas come together. As they navigate this extraordinary phenomenon, the bonds between Summer, Vivian, and Chloe grow stronger, and they learn to cherish the joy and wonder that the holiday season brings.
Filled with festive cheer, A Magical Christmas Village is a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the power of imagination, love, and the enchantment that surrounds the holiday season. Join Summer and her family on their extraordinary journey as they discover the magic that lies within their own lives.
Also Known As:
A Magical Christmas VillageRelease Date:
04 Nov 2022Writers:
Melissa Salmons