A Gurls Wurld follows three best friends who, after moving back to their respective home countries, discover a computer program that enables them to teleport to one another. The trio embarks on exciting and mischievous adventures while navigating the challenges of long-distance friendship and the complexities of teenage life. As they use the program to maintain their close bond and stay connected despite the physical distance between them, they learn valuable lessons about the importance of friendship, loyalty, and communication. With a mix of humor, drama, and heartwarming moments, A Gurls Wurld offers a relatable and engaging look at the power of friendship and the ways technology can help overcome obstacles. Join these three fearless friends as they embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, all while experiencing the ups and downs of teenage life in a digital age.
Also Known As:
A Gurls WurldRelease Date:
18 Nov 2010Writers:
Noel Price, Ole KampovskiAwards:
1 nomination