A Godwink Christmas: Meant for Love (2019) follows the heartwarming story of Alice and Jack, two individuals whose paths cross repeatedly in the days leading up to Christmas. Alice is dedicated to managing her family's clothing store, while Jack works as a medical sales representative. As their chance encounters become more frequent, it leaves them wondering if there is a divine intervention or are they just experiencing a series of coincidences.
Their unexpected meetings are not without interference from Alice's well-meaning but somewhat meddlesome mother. With her influence, the question arises whether she is orchestrating the encounters or whether there is something more magical at play.
As the holiday season approaches, Alice and Jack find themselves drawn to each other, their shared conversations revealing a deep connection and growing attraction. Both have their own personal struggles and fears, but the coincidences continue to bring them closer together, igniting hope and love in their hearts.
With beautiful Christmas scenery and a touch of enchantment, A Godwink Christmas: Meant for Love is a delightful romantic movie that will warm your heart. This heartwarming tale explores the power of destiny and the possibility of love being predestined. It will leave viewers guessing whether these encounters are mere coincidence or something more mystical.
With its charming characters and a sprinkle of holiday magic, this film is the perfect choice for a cozy night in during the holiday season.
Also Known As:
A Godwink Christmas: Meant for LoveRelease Date:
02 Nov 2020Writers:
Jamie Pachino, Squire D. Rushnell (book), Louise DuArt (book)