In A Chestnut Family Christmas (2021), a gifted pastry chef finds herself in a bind when she unwittingly agrees to host her family for the holidays at a luxurious home. Desperate to make a good impression, she pretends to be the wealthy homeowner, hoping to impress her loved ones. However, as the festivities unfold, secrets are revealed, and relationships are put to the test. The facade begins to crumble as tensions rise and truths come to light, causing unexpected challenges and turmoil within the family.
As the holiday gathering grows more chaotic, the protagonist must navigate through a web of deception and misunderstandings to salvage what's left of the Christmas celebration. With emotions running high and relationships unraveling, will the family be able to come together and find a way to reconcile their differences before it's too late?
Experience the heartwarming tale of love, forgiveness, and the true spirit of Christmas in A Chestnut Family Christmas (2021), a captivating film that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
A Chestnut Family ChristmasRelease Date:
30 Nov 2021Writers:
Chad Quinn