Infernal (2015) is a chilling supernatural horror film that follows the unsettling story of a newlywed couple who are ecstatic to welcome their first child into the world. However, their happiness quickly turns to dread when their daughter starts exhibiting disturbing behavior and eerie occurrences begin to unfold within their home. Concerned that their child may be possessed by an evil force, the desperate parents enlist the help of a priest to perform an exorcism.
As the terrifying exorcism takes place, something goes awfully wrong, leaving the couple questioning whether their daughter can ever be freed from the clutches of the malevolent entity that has taken control of her body and soul. With time running out and their daughter's life hanging in the balance, they embark on a treacherous quest to save her from the darkness that surrounds her.
Infernal delivers spine-chilling moments that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its atmospheric setting, intense performances, and a gripping narrative, this film takes audiences on a haunting journey through the battle between good and evil. Can this desperate couple untangle the horrifying mystery behind their daughter's possession and save her before it's too late? Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding and suspenseful experience that will leave you questioning the limits of faith and the power of love.