1915 (2015) is a powerful drama that takes place exactly 100 years after the Armenian Genocide. The story revolves around Simon, a theatre director, who plans to stage a play at the iconic Los Angeles Theatre to commemorate the victims of the genocide, a horrific crime that has been denied and forgotten for a century. However, as Simon's production gains attention, protesters begin to surround the theatre, creating an atmosphere of tension and conflict.
As if that wasn't enough, a series of mysterious accidents start to occur among the actors, causing panic and uncertainty among the cast. It becomes increasingly clear that Simon's mission to shed light on the Armenian Genocide is far more controversial than anticipated. The past begins to haunt Simon as he confronts the ghosts of history, questioning his purpose and placing his own safety at risk.
1915 is a deeply moving film that sheds light on a forgotten chapter in history. It explores themes of denial, historical memory, and the power of art to confront societal taboos. This thought-provoking film serves as a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed during the Armenian Genocide and the importance of acknowledging and remembering them.