Runner Runner (2013) is a thrilling crime drama film that follows Princeton graduate student Richie as he uncovers a web of deception and corruption in the world of online gambling. Convinced that he has been cheated out of his money, Richie embarks on a journey to confront the enigmatic Ivan Block, a powerful and wealthy gambling tycoon based in Costa Rica. However, Richie soon finds himself enticed by Block's promises of unimaginable riches, leading him down a dangerous path.
As Richie delves deeper into Block's empire, he uncovers disturbing secrets about his charismatic benefactor. When the FBI approaches Richie to help them bring down Block, he is faced with a tense and high-stakes decision. With both the FBI and Block's ruthless organization closing in on him, Richie must use his wit and strategic thinking to outmaneuver them and protect himself.
Runner Runner combines elements of suspense, intrigue, and psychological manipulation to create a captivating narrative. The film explores themes of greed, morality, and the corrupting nature of power. Directed by Brad Furman and featuring a stellar cast including Justin Timberlake, Ben Affleck, and Gemma Arterton, Runner Runner takes viewers on a thrilling ride through the dark underbelly of the online gambling industry.
*Note: This summary is formatted for a streaming service page and is free of spoilers.
Also Known As:
Runner RunnerRelease Date:
04 Oct 2013Writers:
Brian Koppelman, David LevienAwards:
2 nominations