In the movie Reasonable Doubt (2014), we follow the story of Mitch Brockton, a promising District Attorney who becomes entangled in a fatal hit-and-run incident. Faced with a dilemma, Brockton decides to pin the blame on Clinton Davis, who was found at the scene with the victim's body, and charge him with murder. However, as the trial progresses, Brockton starts to question Davis' guilt and becomes convinced of his innocence.
Driven by his newfound belief, Brockton takes it upon himself to throw the trial and ensure Davis' acquittal. Little does he know that his actions will have dire consequences. As Brockton's life begins to unravel, he discovers that the man he set free, Davis, is harboring a dark secret that could destroy him.
Reasonable Doubt is a thrilling and suspenseful legal drama that explores the themes of guilt, remorse, and the complexities of the justice system. The movie keeps viewers engaged as they navigate through the twists and turns of the plot, constantly questioning who is truly at fault and whether justice will prevail.
Starring Dominic Cooper as Mitch Brockton and Samuel L. Jackson as Clinton Davis, Reasonable Doubt is a well-acted and gripping film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With its intense storyline and unexpected revelations, this movie is guaranteed to keep viewers guessing until the very end.