In the heart-pounding 2013 film Tasmanian Devils, an adrenaline-fueled group of base jumpers embarks on an adventure that takes a terrifying turn. Their destination? The forbidden Devils peak, a place brimming with mystique and danger. Little do they know, their thrill-seeking escapade has awakened an ancient evil lurking in the depths of these sacred lands.
Directed by Zach Lipovsky, this action-packed horror film follows Alex, a fearless base jumper, and his friends as they push themselves to the limits. However, their quest for the ultimate rush quickly becomes a fight for survival when they unwittingly disturb the ancient demon guarding the area.
As chaos ensues, the group finds themselves caught in a battle against an unstoppable force, fighting tooth and nail to stay alive. With death lurking around every corner, their physical and mental endurance will be tested like never before.
Tasmanian Devils delivers a rollercoaster of suspense, thrill, and intense action, as the group races against time to overcome insurmountable odds and escape the clutches of the relentless evil that threatens their lives. Prepare yourself for an edge-of-your-seat experience that will leave you breathless.