Disciples (2014), a dark and twisted apocalyptic horror, delves into the chilling battle between humanity and demonic forces. In this harrowing tale, a group of both humans and demons unexpectedly find themselves united against a common enemy, as they fight against the impending doom that has befallen the world. Triggered by an ancient prophecy, an evil spirit is unleashed, unleashing havoc and creating a hellish landscape.
As chaos and destruction reign, the diverse group of survivors must navigate through a maze of malevolence and confront their deepest fears. Their only hope of salvation lies in their ability to set aside their differences and work together to save humanity from annihilation.
Disciples offers a pulse-pounding and chilling narrative, filled with suspense and unexpected twists. This thought-provoking horror film explores themes of power, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit against overwhelming darkness. With impressive visuals and a captivating storyline, it takes viewers on a heart-stopping journey into an apocalyptic world filled with terrifying creatures and relentless terror.
Experience the ultimate battle for survival as humans and demons join forces in a desperate attempt to defy the prophecy and secure the fate of humanity. Will they triumph over the forces of evil or succumb to the darkness that now engulfs the world? Brace yourself for a spine-tingling and mind-bending horror adventure in Disciples.
Also Known As:
DisciplesRelease Date:
12 Sep 2014Writers:
Joe Hollow