Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) tells the fascinating story of visionary filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky's ambitious and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to bring Frank Herbert's iconic sci-fi novel, Dune, to the big screen. This documentary uncovers the intriguing behind-the-scenes journey of Jodorowsky's quest to create a groundbreaking and mind-bending masterpiece that would revolutionize cinema.
Through in-depth interviews with Jodorowsky, his collaborators, and industry insiders, viewers gain insight into the director's unique vision and his determination to assemble a dream team of artists, including H.R. Giger, Moebius, and Pink Floyd, to bring his vision to life. The documentary showcases the extravagant pre-production process, which involved creating thousands of storyboards and even a massive book containing every frame of the film.
However, despite the incredible passion and creativity poured into the project, Jodorowsky's Dune explores the challenges and circumstances that led to its eventual demise. The documentary also examines the lasting impact that Jodorowsky's unfinished film had on the sci-fi genre, influencing subsequent directors like Ridley Scott and George Lucas.
With its insightful interviews and rare behind-the-scenes footage, Jodorowsky's Dune immerses audiences in the captivating and unrealized vision of an eccentric and brilliant filmmaker, leaving viewers both awestruck and inspired by the unfulfilled potential of what could have been a groundbreaking masterpiece.