In the heartwarming film Win Win (2011), disheartened attorney Mike Flaherty, played by Paul Giamatti, finds himself in a financial bind and takes on the role of a high school wrestling coach to make ends meet. When Mike stumbles upon a talented young athlete, he sees an opportunity to turn his luck around through some questionable business dealings. As he watches his wrestling team thrive with the newfound star, it seems like Mike's plan might just work out.
However, just when things are looking up, the boy's mother, fresh out of rehab and with no money, unexpectedly reappears in their lives, threatening to unravel everything that Mike has worked towards. As he tries to balance his moral compass with his own personal gain, Mike must navigate the challenges that arise from his choices.
Win Win is a heartwarming and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of family, ethics, and the pursuit of personal success. With a talented cast including Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan, and Bobby Cannavale, the film offers humor, emotion, and a unique take on the intertwining of sports and family dynamics.
This charming film is a must-watch for those who enjoy stories that delve into the intricacies of human relationships and the lengths people will go to provide for their loved ones.
Also Known As:
Win WinRelease Date:
15 Apr 2011Writers:
Tom McCarthy, Joe TiboniAwards:
5 wins & 22 nominations