In the heart-pounding thriller A Lonely Place to Die (2011), a group of experienced mountaineers embark on a challenging expedition in the Scottish Highlands. During their adventure, they stumble upon a startling discovery - a young girl, clearly kidnapped and buried alive in a remote location. Determined to save her, they rally together to devise a plan to rescue the girl and escape from the relentless pursuers who will stop at nothing to find her.
As tensions rise and danger lurks around every corner, the group must navigate treacherous landscapes while being hunted down through unforgiving terrain by the ruthless captors. With time running out and their own lives hanging in the balance, they must rely on their mountaineering skills, wits, and sheer determination to outsmart the kidnappers and bring the girl to safety.
A Lonely Place to Die delivers a thrilling cinematic experience, filled with breathtaking visuals and intense action sequences set against the stunning backdrop of the Scottish wilderness. This edge-of-your-seat adventure explores the limits of human endurance and the lengths one is willing to go to protect innocent lives.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you join these mountaineers on a pulse-pounding race against time to save a life and survive against all odds in A Lonely Place to Die.
Also Known As:
A Lonely Place to DieRelease Date:
02 Nov 2011Writers:
Julian Gilbey, Will GilbeyAwards:
7 wins & 1 nomination