In the movie Kick-Ass (2010), Dave Lizewski is an ordinary high school student and avid comic book fan. He lives a relatively easy life, with a few friends and his father as his only company. However, one day he decides to take on the role of a superhero, despite having no special powers or training.
Calling himself Kick-Ass, Dave dons a homemade costume and ventures out into the streets to fight crime. At first, his efforts are met with ridicule and failure, but he soon gains a small following of supporters. As Kick-Ass becomes more well-known, he crosses paths with other real-life superheroes, including the fearless and highly skilled Hit-Girl and her merciless, vengeful father, Big Daddy.
As Dave becomes entangled in their mission to bring down a local crime lord, he undergoes intense physical training to become a formidable hero in his own right. Along the way, he learns that being a superhero comes with serious consequences and dangers.
Kick-Ass is a thrilling and action-packed film that explores the journey of an ordinary person trying to become a hero. Filled with humor, adrenaline-pumping fights, and unexpected twists, this movie showcases the challenges and adventures faced by Dave Lizewski as he navigates the world of vigilante justice.