Essex Boys (2000) is a gripping crime thriller loosely based on the true events that took place in December 1995 in Rettendon, Essex, UK. The movie revolves around the murders of three notorious drug dealers - Patrick Tate, Craig Rolfe, and Tony Tucker. These individuals were well-known to the police, and their lives were tragically ended on 6th December.
The story unfolds when the trio is lured to Workhouse Lane in Rettendon under the pretense of a highly profitable drug deal. Little do they know, they've walked into a trap. Sitting in their Range Rover, they are ruthlessly gunned down with a shotgun, leaving a gruesome scene behind. The shock and horror of finding the three lifeless bodies the following morning on 7th December shook the community to its core.
Essex Boys takes audiences on a tense and suspenseful journey as it delves into the murky world of drug trafficking and the extreme consequences it can bring. As the police investigation unfolds, uncovering multiple layers of deceit, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, trying to decipher the true motives of those involved in the brutal murders.
This thrilling film captures the chilling true events while exploring the dark underbelly of crime and the twisted relationships that can lead to such devastating outcomes. Essex Boys is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and true crime stories, offering an intriguing and unsettling look into a harrowing chapter in Essex's history.