Gone with the Wind is a timeless classic set during the tumultuous Civil War era. The story revolves around Scarlett, a headstrong and beautiful woman who navigates through the chaos of war, the burning of Atlanta, and the aftermath of the conflict. Scarlett's beloved Tara is stripped bare by the Union Army, leaving her determined to rebuild her family's estate.
Despite Scarlett's charm and tempestuous nature, the man she has always desired, Ashley, decides to marry his cousin Melanie, a calm and composed woman. While attending a party at Twelve Oaks, Scarlett encounters Rhett Butler, a mysterious and captivating man who is secretly infatuated with her. Unbeknownst to Scarlett, Rhett witnesses her passionate plea to Ashley, urging him to choose her over Melanie.
As the war escalates, Scarlett must navigate the challenges brought on by the arrival of carpetbaggers and the shifting societal dynamics. Throughout her journey, she grapples with her feelings for Ashley, her growing connection with Rhett, and the realization that her desires may be unattainable.
Gone with the Wind is a captivating tale of love, passion, resilience, and survival set against the backdrop of a war-torn society. With its sweeping cinematography, unforgettable characters, and powerful performances, this epic film will transport audiences to a bygone era filled with hope, despair, and the indomitable spirit of its protagonist.
Also Known As:
Gone with the WindRelease Date:
17 Jan 1940Writers:
Margaret Mitchell (story of the old south "Gone with the Wind"), Sidney Howard (screenplay)Awards:
Won 8 Oscars. Another 10 wins & 9 nominations.