In The Nameless (1999), a gripping thriller unfolds five years after a mother's 6-year-old daughter is tragically murdered. The mother is shocked when she receives a mysterious phone call from someone claiming to be her deceased daughter. With the help of an ex-cop and a reporter, they embark on a desperate search for the truth. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover a secretive group known as The Nameless, who may be linked to the haunting events surrounding the girl's death. The suspenseful storyline keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the characters race against time to unravel the unsettling mysteries that continue to unravel. This intense and eerie journey explores themes of grief, loss, and the depths of human despair. With unexpected twists and turns, The Nameless is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers.
Also Known As:
The NamelessRelease Date:
12 Nov 1999Writers:
Jaume Balagueró, Ramsey CampbellAwards:
16 wins & 5 nominations